Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Answer # 5

As a future manager in the company, my computer ethics is that all employees must learn on how to use computer or information system because it is important for the success and progress of the business.
1.) Using a computer in a proper way exclusive for business only- so that the time must consume for work only, and not for extra activities...
2.) Manage their time in using computer as their reference to their daily work that regards to the improvement of the company.
3.) The employees should know all the rules in using the information system correctly and carefully.
4. Should know all the ways and techniques in using the info system.
5. Give importance in using computer because it give many advantages.
1. Do not use the info systems in bad ways.
2. Do not use the computer for games or you tubes inside the company.
3. Do not create your own information aside from the information given by the computer.
4. Chatting or using friendster inside the company.
5. Games is not allowed specially working time.

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